DEEP SPACE NINE: "Honor... " - REV. 12/17/97 - ACT ONE 11. 8A CONTINUED: (2) Everyone nods ruefully as they realize what's going on -- WORF I do not understand why his staff can't keep the station running in his absence. QUARK He must've left my idiot brother in charge. KIRA The engineering crews are doing the best they can. DAX The problem is no one knows how the chief keeps all this Federation and Cardassian technology working together. QUARK We've got to do something. This can't go on. CUT TO: 8B INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE - CLOSE ON SISKO sitting at his desk. SISKO Sorry, I can't discuss the chief's whereabouts. 8C NEW ANGLE to reveal Bashir standing in front of his desk. His reply to Sisko is a bit too strident.