DEEP SPACE NINE: "Far Beyond... " - REV. 12/10/97 - ACT FOUR 48. 59 CONTINUED: PREACHER I speak with the voice of the Prophets. The Preacher reaches out and grabs Benny's ear as if reading his pagh. The Preacher takes his hand away and looks at it -- 60 INSERT OF THE PREACHER'S FINGERS smeared with blood. 61 RESUME Benny reacts by touching the same ear, but when he looks at his hand, there's no blood on it at all. PREACHER And in their words, hope and despair walk arm in arm. And on that ominous note, the Preacher walks away. We HOLD ON Benny and Cassie watching him leave. CASSIE Did you understand any of that? But before Benny can answer, we hear the sound of a gun being FIRED. Then after a beat, THREE MORE SHOTS. CASSIE Is that gunfire? A few people begin to hurry toward the sound of the gunfire. The Preacher looks off in that direction, then back at Benny. PREACHER The time has come, Brother Benny. Go and "be of good courage." Benny, knowing it's what the Preacher wants, begins to follow the crowd. Feeling an unexplained panic build inside him, Benny breaks into a fast trot, pulling Cassie along with him.