DEEP SPACE NINE: "Far Beyond... " - REV. 12/10/97 - ACT FOUR 47. 58 CONTINUED: It's a movie moment -- but as it ends, Cassie winces, her feet are sore from a long day of work and a night of dancing. CASSIE My poor feet... baby, you better marry me soon. I'm not getting any younger. Benny turns and takes her in his arms. BENNY But you are getting more and more beautiful. Benny breaks out into a TBD SONG. Although he's hamming it up, it's obvious he has an impressive voice. After a few bars, they lean over to kiss. But before their lips touch -- PREACHER (O.S.) Brother Benny. Benny looks to see -- 59 BENNY'S POV of the Preacher emerging from the shadows. Benny lets go of Cassie and walks over to him, smiling. BENNY I was hoping I'd see you again. (proud) I did it. My story's going to be published. PREACHER "The light of the Lord is in his path." But, this is only the beginning of your journey -- not the ending. And the path of the Prophets sometimes leads into darkness and pain. CASSIE Benny, what's he talking about? (to the Preacher) Who are you?