14:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Far Beyond... " - REV. 12/10/97 - ACT TWO 23. ACT TWO FADE IN: 31 INT. HARLEM COFFEE SHOP - DAY Benny, holding a manila envelope and looking very tired from having worked nonstop for a few days, ENTERS the busy restaurant and goes over to the counter where his girlfriend, CASSIE (Kasidy Yates), is the waitress. And though she's busy, the moment she sees him, she throws him a big smile. CASSIE Hey, baby. Have a seat. The usual? BENNY How 'bout scrambling the eggs today? CASSIE My aren't we feeling adventurous. He sits down as she pours him a cup of coffee. BENNY (holding up the envelope) I just finished the best story I've ever written. CASSIE (sincere) That's great, baby. I got some good news, too. Cassie leans forward, placing one of her hands over his. She looks him in the eye and talks with quiet sincerity. CASSIE I talked to Mrs. Jackson last night. She's serious about retiring in the next couple of ears. I asked her about selling this place to us and she said she'd be willing. Benny doesn't share her enthusiasm for this idea.