DEEP SPACE NINE: "Far Beyond... " - REV. 12/10/97 - TEASER 3. 1A CONTINUED: (2) SISKO But he's not here... is he? That's the whole point. This moment hangs in the air for a beat. JOSEPH I'd say you have some thinking to do... and I've got a dinner date with my grandson, so I'll let you get to it. Just then, something off screen catches Sisko's eye -- 2 SISKO'S POV outside his office, a MAN dressed in a gray flannel suit, circa 1953, passes by his door. (This is Odo, sans make-up, dressed in the clothes he will be wearing later as Pabst). 3 ON SISKO puzzled at the odd image. SISKO Who was that? But Joseph's back was to the door. Sisko walks out of his office to get a better look. 4 INT. OPS - CONTINUOUS DAX and Kira man their stations; SUPERNUMERARIES as needed. Sisko glances around Ops, but there's no sign of the man in the gray flannel suit. Joseph comes up behind him. SISKO Where'd he go? JOSEPH Who? SISKO The man who just walked by my door. Dax and Kira don't know what he's talking about.