DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT FIVE 62. 102 IXTANA'RAX (OPTICAL) He takes Kira's BLAST full in the chest and goes down. 103 thru OMITTED 104 105 AT THE OPERATIONS CONSOLE (OPTICAL) As Sisko approaches it, the unarmed Seventh lunges at him and takes a swing. Sisko deflects the blow and pivots the Jem'Hadar toward Kira, who shoots him. Sisko turns and begins entering command codes into the console. 105A WORF Kills the Jem'Hadar Fourth. 106 NOG stands. He swivels the disruptor around, looking for trouble. 107 THE ENGINE ROOM - WIDER (OPTICAL) Kira rises to her feet. Worf has the First's disruptor and covers the doors. All the Jem'Hadar are down. Sisko is working the Ops console. SISKO I'm flooding all compartments except the engine room with anesthezine gas. (to Kira) Get that virus out of the computer before somebody on the bridge decides to engage the warp drive. Kira begins working another console. Sisko walks over to where Ixtana'Rax sits on the floor, his back against the warp control pedestal. The Second clutches his wound, his breathing labored, his eyes focused intently on the body of Kudak'Etan. Finally, he becomes aware of Sisko's presence and looks up. SISKO (re: Kudak'Etan) He should've listened to you and killed me when he had the chance.