DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT FIVE 61. 96 KUDAK'ETAN (OPTICAL) has turned his back to the prisoners as he tries to shoot the little ship. Big mistake. Worf leaps on him, throws an arm around his throat, and snaps the Jem'Hadar's neck. The Fourth takes a phaser shot at Worf, but misses. Worf goes after him in a brutal hand-to-hand fight -- 97 INT. RUNABOUT The crew is at battle stations, working feverishly. O'BRIEN Dax! At the upper rail! DAX I've got him. 98 OVER THE UPPER GUARD'S SHOULDER (OPTICAL) The Runabout banks and climbs toward him. The guard shoots at it and misses, sending... 99 SISKO AND NOG ducking out of his line of fire. 99A THE JEM'HADAR ON THE CATWALK (OPTICAL) (FORMERLY SCENE 103) FIRES at the Rubicon and the runabout is forced to bank and turn to avoid the blasts. 99A INT. RUNABOUT As the ship lurches and turns, the three occupants hang on for dear life. DAX (working) This guy is really starting to get on my nerves. BASHIR I've got torpedo lock! DAX Fire!