DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT FIVE 58. 90 CONTINUED: The Seventh thrusts Nog roughly into line next to Sisko, then starts for the pedestal. Nog leans close to the captain. NOG (sotto) Captain. I did it! I don't know how, but I released the command codes. SISKO (sotto) Well done. What we need now is a diversion before they go to warp. IXTANA'RAX Silence! 91 INT. RUNABOUT O'Brien and Bashir are now back in the runabout, gratefully sucking in the air and feeling much better. O'Brien works one of the side consoles while Dax looks over his shoulder. O'BRIEN All the Defiant's command functions have been transferred to Engineering. (frowns) But nothing's happening. BASHIR Maybe the captain hasn't realized he has control of the ship yet. Beat. DAX Or maybe he's in trouble. The First was called to the engine room a few minutes ago. They exchange a look and then Dax and O'Brien quickly move back to the pilot controls. 92 INT. DEFIANT - ENGINE ROOM The Fifth now stands next to the Engineering display, guarding the prisoners. Ixtana'Rax stands between the Defiant's crew and the forward operations console. Kudak'Etan is facing his Second and he's not happy.