160:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT FIVE 56. 87 CONTINUED: Once O'Brien gets the filament in place, he TWISTS it, and the filament LOCKS into place. He leans against the socket for a moment, panting and sweating. More effects of hypoxia are starting to manifest themselves -- short, rapid breathing, slightly blue lips, dizziness and fatigue. O'Brien struggles to stay conscious and he turns to see... 88 BASHIR (OPTICAL) who's working across the way from O'Brien. Bashir is struggling mightily to UNLOCK another filament. He can barely speak. BASHIR Stuck... O'Brien moves to help. With his added force they TWIST the filament and it is released from the socket. Multi- colored light sprays from the ferruled ends of the filaments. BASHIR Which... one... ? O'Brien looks around at the empty sockets across from them, trying to orient himself, but it's not easy. He finally points to one. O'BRIEN That... no. (points to another one) That. BASHIR You... sure... ? O'Brien hesitates, then nods. They begin to drag the filament, but it's like dragging a heavy firehouse in their present condition. Finally they shove the filament into the socket. They push it into place... TWIST it, but instead of locking, the filament pops back out again.