DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT FIVE 55. 85C CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN (thinking hard) The only four-way shunt near a six- six-delta is... at the base of... the master differential relay. O'Brien opens his eyes and looks at the components. Confidence flows back into him. O'BRIEN That has to be it. BASHIR So the... interlink we want has to be... ? O'BRIEN (he starts forward) This way. Bashir follows him. 86 INT. DEFIANT - ENGINE ROOM The Second and the Seventh are deep in conversation at the console amidships at the warp core as Sisko crosses to Kira, who is working at the forward Operations station. We cannot hear what the Jem'Hadar are saying. SISKO (sotto) We've got trouble. They're cross- checking the diagnostic protocols. KIRA (sotto) Has Nog made any progress? Sisko glances over at Nog, who's still working feverishly. SISKO Not yet. 87 INT. OPTRONIC CIRCUITY - CLOSE ON O'BRIEN He's wrestling an optronic FILAMENT -- a translucent tube as thick as a fire hydrant, pulsating with colored light -- into a SOCKET.