DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT FIVE 52B. 84 INT. RUNABOUT Dax regards the approaching soldiers with dismay. She taps her combadge. DAX How's it coming, Chief? 85 INT. OPTRONIC CIRCUITRY #2 O'Brien and Bashir have stopped in another section of the circuitry. Both are showing the effects of the long hike in thin air. O'Brien gazes at the vast optronic labyrinth, his forehead beaded with sweat. Noticing the Chief's preoccupation, Bashir hits his combadge. BASHIR We're... making progress. Aren't we, Chief? O'Brien jerks his eyes toward Bashir and touches his own combadge. O'BRIEN I'm still trying to locate the... security protocol interlinks. Shouldn't be... much longer. 85A INT. RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) A forest of Jem'Hadar legs can be seen out the windows. DAX The sooner the better. Things are getting a little crowded up here. 85B INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE At the aft table, the Jem'Hadar watch eagerly as the First unlatches the complicated lock on the container. The top rises, revealing the tubes of White. Kudak'Etan removes five and hands them to his Third. KUDAK'ETAN Here. The other Jem'Hadar, including Lamat'Ukan, exchange startled glances. They are used to the liturgy that the Vorta normally performs, and are unsettled by Kudak'Etan's informality. Lamat'Ukan decides he'd better respond as he was trained to.