DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT FIVE 52A. 82 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN That chip behind you is carrying twenty microamps of electric current. Not very much... BASHIR (suddenly aware) ... but enough to fry every synapse in my tiny little body. (tense smile) Thanks for the safety tip. O'BRIEN Just step straight forward, away from the chip. (Bashir obeys) All right, you're clear. Bashir lets out a sigh of relief. O'BRIEN Now stay right behind me. And don't touch anything without asking. BASHIR Believe me, I won't. O'Brien leads them off through the circuitry. 83 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE Third Lamat'Ukan enters with the distinctive case of Ketracel White. The eyes of the bridge crew follow him as he sets the container carefully on the table under which the Rubicon still hides. He then faces his First. LAMAT'UKAN The White. Kudak'Etan steps over to the table and acknowledges Lamat'Ukan's report with a nod. Then he turns to his crew. KUDAK'ETAN It is time. 83A FROM UNDER THE TABLE - RUNABOUT'S POV (OPTICAL) The helmsman and engineer turn to face the First. As if choreographed, the other Jem'Hadar leave their posts and move efficiently aft, toward CAMERA.