119:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT FOUR 51. 76A CONTINUED: (3) BASHIR You pass out. O'BRIEN You mean "we" pass out. (off Bashir's look) You're coming with me. 77 INT. OPTRONIC CIRCUITRY #1 (OPTICAL) Bashir and O'Brien MATERIALIZE. They pause to check their bearings. O'Brien looks at his PADD, scowls at the diagram. He looks up at their surroundings, and as he does, we PULL BACK to reveal that our Starfleet heroes are but tiny figures at the base of a vast forest of multicolored components, isolinear chips and encryption subprocessors, all interconnected by a glowing matrix of pulsing optronic filaments. O'BRIEN This might take longer than I thought. 78 OMITTED FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR