27:[4,#b],162:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT FOUR 47. 68 CONTINUED: When Lamat'Ukan reaches Kudak'Etan, we can see that the Runabout is nowhere to be found. LAMAT'UKAN I've realigned the targeting sensors. There were errors in the tracking subroutines. KUDAK'ETAN (surprised) You were not ordered to check the targeting sensors. LAMAT'UKAN I thought it a wise precaution... in case we encountered an enemy ship on our way home. Kudak'Etan looks at him, and we're not sure if he's annoyed or pleased for a moment... then he nods his head in satisfaction. KUDAK'ETAN Your initiative pleases me. It's a trait that the Gammas lack. LAMAT'UKAN The Gammas have many flaws. KUDAK'ETAN When we return from this mission, there will be need for a new Second. I will recommend you to the Vorta. LAMAT'UKAN (proudly) You will not be disappointed. KUDAK'ETAN I'm sure that I won't. It'll be Alphas like us who will determine the future of this quadrant. That will be the new order of things. Kudak'Etan continues on toward the bridge. Lamat'Ukan lingers for a moment, enjoying the afterglow. Kudak'Etan ENTERS the bridge and the door closes after him. Lamat'Ukan then moves off down the corridor.