136:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT THREE 41. 57 CONTINUED: SISKO (angry) Stalling? Your Second is the one who's slowing down the work. He countermands my orders, arbitrarily reassigns my crew -- I can't get any work done in here. KUDAK'ETAN (to Ixtana'Rax) You were told to watch them, not interfere with them. Ixtana'Rax regards his superior with a cool expression. IXTANA'RAX (to Kudak'Etan) You're playing right into his hands. Don't you see that? Kudak'Etan thinks about it for a beat. He's not sure which of them to listen to, and decides to split the difference. KUDAK'ETAN Captain Sisko, you have thirty minutes to restore warp power, or... (points to Kira) I will kill her, and then another of your crew every fifteen minutes until you do. (to Ixtana'Rax) And you will no longer interfere with their work. Kudak'Etan abruptly turns and heads for the door. Ixtana'Rax shakes his head sadly as his leader walks away. 58 INT. RUNABOUT Dax, O'Brien and Bashir are watching Kudak'Etan (o.s.), biding their time and waiting for the right moment. DAX Okay... get ready... when he activates the door sensor, we'll -- Suddenly an enormous SHADOW falls over them.