126:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT TWO 23. 18 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO I'm glad that you two have sorted that out. Now, what makes you think I'm going to help you? KUDAK'ETAN Your choice is to repair the warp drive or watch me execute your crew one at a time. Sisko sizes up the First for a moment -- this kid seems a little too sure of himself. Kudak'Etan waits for a response, then decides to increase the pressure. KUDAK'ETAN (harsh, to Third) Have Sixth Duran'Adar select one of the prisoners for execution and bring him to the bridge! SISKO (quickly) I can't do this job alone. I'm going to need some of my crew. KUDAK'ETAN How many? IXTANA'RAX (quickly) First. I... "strongly suggest" that you refuse this request. SISKO (to Second) You have the weapons. Are you afraid you can't handle a few unarmed prisoners? IXTANA'RAX I won't be baited by a prisoner. (to First) And you shouldn't either. SISKO (shrugs) Okay. I'm in no hurry to reach a Dominion prison camp. You want me to teach your men how to repair the warp drive, that's fine with me. We'll begin with the primary command and control systems -- that should take about six hours. Then we'll work our way up to basic engineering theory for a class seven warp drive, then --