DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT ONE 15. 11 CONTINUED: NOG None of that would've done any good. The Jem'Hadar approached us from the anterior angle of the anamoly; their warp signatures were-- Worf whirls on Nog, who immediately clams up rather than face the Klingon's wrath. KIRA (to Worf) He's only trying to tell you it's not your fault. WORF I do not need him to tell me anything. SISKO Everybody, relax. First of all, we don't know what happened to the Rubicon. They might've gotten out of the anomaly on their own. If they did, they could be halfway home and in a lot better shape than we are. So let's just hold off analyzing our mistakes for now. KIRA If they restore warp power, we'll be analyzing them in a Dominion prison camp. Her words spark the germ of an idea in Sisko's mind. SISKO Restoring warp power may not be so simple for them. It took us a week just to learn how to pilot one of their ships. So we might still have a chance to retake the Defiant. But we can't do anything unless we get out of this room. (looks at them) Suggestions?