DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - TEASER 7. 5 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE The compartment is already reeling from one devastating hit as ANOTHER EXPLOSION rocks it. An N.D. tumbles from the engineering console. The LIGHTS are at RED ALERT. WORF (urgent) The Jem'Hadar is coming around for another pass. Kira takes her place at the second tactical post. SISKO Return fire, Mister Worf. Nog, pull the Rubicon out of there. KIRA The radiation from the vortex must have masked their warp signature. ANOTHER SOLID HIT shakes the Bridge. WORF Phasers are off-line. ANOTHER HIT. KIRA (to Sisko) We're a sitting duck as long as we're tethered to the runabout. SISKO I'm not going to leave them in there if I can help it. Worf, get down to auxiliary control and target the phasers manually. Worf dashes off. NOG (struggling with his panel) I'm losing the Rubicon, sir! 6 EXT. SPACE - INSIDE THE ANOMALY (OPTICAL) The tractor beam stabilizing the Rubicon FRITZES, THEN COLLAPSES. The Runabout tumbles toward the center of the swirling vortex, getting smaller.