DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - TEASER 4. 2 CONTINUED: (3) SISKO Good luck, Rubicon. NOG We've lost their signal, captain. SISKO Thank you, ensign. (to Worf) Poem? WORF It is an... ancient Klingon tradition to compose a poem to commemorate an important event. Jadzia asked me to compose one for this occasion. SISKO What have you got so far? A beat as everyone looks at Worf, who's suddenly on the spot. NOG (off console) They've penetrated the accretion disk. Worf quickly busies himself at the console. Kira and Sisko exchange a look. KIRA (sotto, to Sisko) Is it my imagination, or did the kid just cover for him? SISKO This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship. 3 ANGLE ON - SCIENCE STATION MONITOR (OPTICAL) which depicts an Okudagram of the runabout's position, just inside the anomaly. The runabout IS QUITE CLEARLY SHRINKING IN SIZE. WORF They're getting smaller.