48:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: NOG Yes, sir. Sisko can see that Kira is biting her lips to keep from laughing. SISKO (mock chiding) Major Kira, are you laughing at our investigation of this subspace anomaly? KIRA No, sir! SISKO Glad to hear it. WORF The data collected here could provide Starfleet with the key to creating transwarp corridors through space. It would give us a substantial tactical advantage over the Dominion. KIRA Very important research. They all look at Kira as she tries to keep a straight face, but she's not too successful. KIRA What? I'm not laughing. (beat) I'm not. (beat) Just because we're... shrinking three people down to the size of coffee cups... NOG (serious) Smaller, actually. Kira loses it -- she almost doubles over in laughter, much to Worf's annoyance and Nog's discomfort. WORF I do not see what is so humorous about... being small.