123:[1,#b],183:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT FIVE 61. INT. QUARK'S BAR where a dejected Quark is behind the bar. It's morning, before the bar has opened, and some Ferengi waiters are setting up. Quark's wiping the bar down with a towel when his eyes alight on Morn's chair. A steely look comes over his face and he moves to the stool, grabs it, and starts trying to wrench it from the bolts that hold it to the ground. He gets more and more agitated until he's tearing at it like an animal. A moment, then Odo comes up behind him. ODO Quark. Quark doesn't hear him, he's too focused on ripping the stool off its moorings. ODO Quark. Quark turns to Odo with a snarl -- QUARK What do you want? ODO There's someone here to see you. Odo seems pleased, which only stokes Quark's anxiety. QUARK I thought you said they were all going to prison. ODO You'd better sit down. Quark ignores him, and Odo turns to wave someone inside. To Quark's utter astonishment, it's Morn. QUARK Morn? ODO Alive and well. Quark falls back onto a stool, his mind reeling --