DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT FIVE 59. 41 CONTINUED: Suddenly we hear the off-screen SOUND of a door OPENING. ODO (O.S.) Security! Drop your weapons! As Quark listens, the firefight intensifies. We hear chaotic SHOUTS, GROANS of pain, and finally -- LARELL (O.S.) I surrender. The firing stops. ODO (O.C) Throw out your weapon. 42 INT. CARGO BAY as Larell's weapon skitters to the middle of the floor and she comes out from behind a crate, utterly unscathed. Odo and his DEPUTIES begin disarming the group. Except for Larell, they're all lying on the floor or slouched against crates, clutching at injured arms and legs and trying to fight the pain. ODO (to a deputy) Take her to a holding cell and get the rest of them to the Infirmary. As the Deputies move to comply, Odo crosses to the crate. 43 INT. CRATE where Quark is cautiously listening. A beat, then the panel OPENS and Odo looks in. ODO (dry) There you are. QUARK Are they gone? ODO From now on, you'll have to do your commiserating alone. Your "friends" are going to prison.