DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT FIVE 57A. 40 CONTINUED: Quark motions to the others to stay back, he'll deal with the workers. He approaches them with a ready smile. QUARK I believe that's for me. One of the Workmen holds up a PADD. Quark extends his thumb with a flourish, and plants it on the appropriate spot. The Workman checks the PADD, nods, and he and his partner move away to EXIT. The moment the door shuts behind them, Morn's partners hurry to join Quark at the crate, their eyes alive with greed. HAIN Open it. Quark works the latch, OPENS a PANEL in the top of the crate. It's a moment fit for a heavenly choir -- rows and rows of gold-pressed latinum bricks sparkling in their shelves. They're all struck dumb at the sight. After a beat... QUARK I'll count it...