DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT FIVE 56. 37 CONTINUED: (2) KRIT He was always so cheerful. LARELL That's what I loved about him. Quark listens incredulously as they reminisce about the man they're all glad to have out of the way. HAIN It's funny. Being here together, the four of us -- it makes me wish Morn were here, too. QUARK (off the cuff) Sure, except we'd have to split the latinum six ways instead of five. They all turn and look at him as if this were the most insensitive thing anyone's ever said. HAIN Do you mind? KRIT Some people have no respect for the dead. Nahsk remembers something held like to share -- NAHSK Remember that little dance Morn used to do every time we finished a job? They all look at him blankly. After a beat, Krit patiently explains to his brother -- KRIT You're thinking of someone else. Nahsk considers this, but before he can answer, the door OPENS and Odo ENTERS. HAIN (sotto) Get rid of him. As Quark crosses out toward Odo, Morn's partners all grab their drinks and return to their usual poker-faced selves.