DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT FIVE 53. 36 CONTINUED: HAIN We need him. Reluctantly, Nahsk lets go of Quark. HAIN The question is, what happens after he takes delivery? A beat as they all consider, then Quark makes a suggestion -- QUARK We could split the latinum five ways. (off their looks) It's what you would've gotten if Morn was still alive. LARELL True. QUARK Think of me as Morn. (more to himself) I can't believe I just said that. The others are on the verge of agreeing when something occurs to Nahsk... NAHSK It's not fair. We stole it. He didn't do anything. QUARK Maybe not. But the bottom line is, you need me. The others exchange looks -- HAIN A thousand bricks, split five ways... what do you think? KRIT It's still a lot of latinum. NAHSK (nods) Two hundred and fifty bricks each. They all look at Nahsk, decide not to bother correcting him --