14:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT FIVE 52. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 36 INT. QUARK'S QUARTERS - CONTINUOUS Morn's former partners are all staring at Quark, who's very worried about this latest turn of events. LARELL What do we do with him? KRIT It should look like an accident. We don't want anyone asking questions. Quark shakes free of the fear that gripped him when they first turned on him, realizes something -- QUARK Wait a minute. You can't kill me. I'm the only one who can take delivery of the latinum. (holding up his thumb) You need my thumbprint. HAIN He's right. Nahsk grabs Quark's hand, pulls out a SMALL KNIFE -- Quark struggles, realizing what he's thinking. NAHSK It won't hurt as much if you keep still. HAIN What do you propose we do, Nahsk? Walk into the cargo bay with a bloody thumb and ask for the latinum? Nahsk considers, realizes this could be a problem.