DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT FOUR 48. 35 CONTINUED: (3) Suddenly Krit and Nahsk come out from the back room -- Nahsk trains his weapon on Hain. KRIT Well look what we have here... Quark can't believe Hain let himself get caught like this -- QUARK (to Hain) I'll bet the royal family sleeps soundly knowing you're on the job... Krit seems amused by this -- KRIT Royal family? What kind of lies have you been telling him, Hain? HAIN (shrugs) The usual. Quark reacts to their apparent familiarity QUARK You know each other? HAIN (ignoring him; to Krit) It's been a long time. KRIT Must be nine years. NAHSK. Nine years. HAIN (to Nahsk) I see you're still one step behind everyone else. Larell steps out from behind the partition -- LARELL Leave him alone, Hain. Nahsk smiles at the sight of her -- NAHSK (to his brother) It's Larell. Krit is genuinely patient with his brother, as always.