174:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT FOUR 47. 35 CONTINUED: (2) KRIT Whoever it is, get rid of them. (indicating the partition) We'll be back there. Quark blocks their way, indicates the back room. QUARK You'd be more comfortable in there. Krit and Nahsk exchange a look, decide he's right. NAHSK We'll be back there. Quark nods patiently, watches them cross away and disappear into the back room. As soon as they're gone, he scurries to the partition and indicates to Larell that she should stay put. By the time the door OPENS he's back in the center of the room to greet Hain when he ENTERS. HAIN Why didn't you answer the door? QUARK I dozed off. It's been one of those days. Quark motions his eyes toward the partition, trying to let Hain know that someone's back there. HAIN We need to talk. Quark tries to cover -- he doesn't want Larell and the brothers to know he and Hain are in cahoots. QUARK What would we have to talk about? He motions his head toward the back room to indicate someone's back there too -- HAIN Are you all right? QUARK (overly bright) What makes you ask that? HAIN You keep craning your neck.