DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT TWO 19-20. 17 CONTINUED: QUARK Believe me, it will. This is the break I've been waiting for, and it's been a long time coming. I want Morn's money, I need Morn's money. I deserve Morn's money. DAX (whatever) Your move. Quark clinks two slips of latinum he's betting with. QUARK (re: the sound) Beautiful, isn't it? And the way it catches the light... (thoughtful) I wonder who came up with the idea of suspending liquid latinum inside worthless bricks of gold? DAX (impatient) Probably somebody who got tired of making change with an eyedropper. Are you going to play or not? QUARK (spinning the wheel) Where could Morn have put it all? DAX (shrugs) If you find it, are you really going to share it with this woman? QUARK (a reluctant admission) I agreed to give her ten percent so she wouldn't tie me up in court. DAX (surprised) That's a hundred bricks. QUARK (shrugs) What could I do? (plays a card) Retreat. DAX I don't know. Something's not right about this whole thing.