14:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Who Mourns... " - REV. 11/13/97 - ACT TWO 16. ACT TWO FADE IN: 14 INT. MORN'S QUARTERS - LATER Quark has set up a futuristic PUMP to suck the mud out of the tub. A TUBE runs from the tub to the pump, which is not much bigger than a vacuum cleaner -- through some miracle of twenty-fourth century technology, the contents of the tub somehow are whisked away by this relatively small machine. Quark paces, giving the pump time do its work, until a loud SUCKING NOISE draws him to the tub. He moves to the rim, peers over the edge to see -- 15 THE EMPTY TUB with just a little bit of mud at the bottom. Larell ENTERS from the back, having slipped into a new, sexy outfit. LARELL (sliding her hand around his waist) What are you doing... ? QUARK (sloshing the mud around so he can see) What do you think -- I'm looking for the latinum. Larell's seductive look gives way to something harder, more calculating. LARELL You must know where he kept it. QUARK (still looking) I didn't even know it existed until you told me. We can see the wheels start turning in her mind -- she realizes she may have made a mistake telling him about it, but she doesn't want Quark to see that. LARELL Well, I'm sure it's somewhere on the station. He gets up, wipes his hands.