STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Waltz" - REV. 11/12/97 - ACT ONE 10. 9 CONTINUED: (2) DUKAT Dead. A piece of shrapnel hit him in the head as we were carrying you into the shuttle. SISKO Any other survivors? DUKAT I saw a few escape pods leaving the ship just before it exploded, but... I had my hands full after that trying to keep us in one piece. Our engines were damaged by the shockwave. I managed to set us down here -- wherever here is -- but that shuttle's never going to reach orbit again. Dukat moves over to the com system. DUKAT (continuing) The shuttle's distress beacon was damaged, but I think I've managed to repair it. He points to the com system where several lights are BLINKING. DUKAT So now we wait until someone hears our signal. SISKO Whose signal are you transmitting? Starfleet or the Dominion? DUKAT It's a general distress call. Whoever gets here first will find one comrade in arms... and one prisoner. That's fair, isn't it? SISKO Fair enough. Sisko inspects the cast on his arm.