13:[5,#b],19:[1,#b] STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Waltz" - REV. 11/12/97 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Waltz" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - THE HONSHU (OPTICAL) A Federation starship at warp. SISKO (V.O.) Captain's Log: Stardate 51408.6. I've been aboard the Honshu for two days now and I still haven't spoken to him, although the doctors have assured me that he's made a full recovery. 2 INT. HONSHU - CORRIDOR SISKO is walking down one of the Corridors. SISKO (V.O.) (continuing) Maybe that's what I'm afraid of. Maybe I prefer to think of him as a crazy man... a broken man. He'd be less dangerous that way. Sisko pauses outside a door marked "BRIG." SISKO (V.O.) (continuing) As terrible as it sounds, there's a part of me that wishes he were dead. But that's a thought unworthy of a Starfleet officer. Sisko takes a deep breath, then goes through the door to... 3 INT. HONSHU - BRIG - CONTINUOUS As Sisko ENTERS. There's an N.D. Security Guard at the small desk outside the holding cell who nods to Sisko, then returns to his work. Sisko moves to the cell and looks inside.