DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Magnificent Ferengi" - REV. 10/24/97 - ACT FIVE 60. 86A CONTINUED: ISHKA Oh, Quark -- the Grand Nagus is going to be so proud of you... I know I am. Rom rushes up to them. ROM Moogie. Ishka hugs Rom and Nog as Leck, Brunt and Gaila come up holding Yelgrun. BRUNT What do we do with this one? QUARK We'll take him with us. He'll be our gift to Starfleet. They gave us a Vorta, we'll give them one back. YELGRUN (an accusation) Ferengi... QUARK (dismissive) I know, I know -- you hate us. With the danger gone, Gaila's courage has returned; he pushes Yelgrun with the barrel of his rifle. GAILA All right you -- get moving. Gaila and Brunt lead Yelgrun away. Leck looks at Quark. LECK I've never seen a sloppier, more amateurish operation in my life... If you ever do something like this again -- count me in. QUARK You'll be the first one I call. And after a nod of camaraderie, Leck follows Brunt and Gaila.