DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Magnificent Ferengi" - REV. 10/24/97 - ACT FOUR 42. 57 CONTINUED: (2) QUARK (calling out) I'm coming, I'm coming. Quark stands up, chest out, a man on a mission preparing to meet his fate. He takes one step toward the door when a thought strikes him. He turns back to face Rom and Nog who are looking at him proudly. QUARK And you two are coming with me. Nog leaps to his feet, ready for action, while Rom sighs with resignation. ROM I was afraid he was going to say that... Rom gets to his feet to join Quark and Nog. 58 INT. EMPOK NOR - PROMENADE ANGLE ON the door as it OPENS and the three Ferengi march out, shoulder to shoulder. They take a few steps onto the Promenade then stop. They look as squinty- mean as Clint Eastwood in a spaghetti western. After a beat of taking it all in, they exchange the smallest of nods and begin walking again. 59 REVERSE ANGLE to REVEAL a Vorta, YELGRUN, standing beside ISHKA, aka Moogie, at the other end of the corridor. They are flanked by TWO JEM'HADAR SOLDIERS. 60 WIDER as the Ferengi approach Moogie and the others. ROM (smiling) Moooogie! ISHKA My boys... I knew you'd come.