DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Magnificent Ferengi" - REV. 10/24/97 - ACT THREE 37. 46 INT. EMPOK NOR - DOCKING RING CORRIDOR Quark comes running down the hallway, passing OUT OF FRAME. A beat later, the rest of the Ferengis dash madly behind him. 47 ANOTHER ANGLE to see Quark running down the corridor. 47A ANOTHER ANGLE of the Ferengi running down the corridor. 47B QUARK running down another corridor. 47C THE FERENGI running down another corridor. (NOTE: Throughout this mad dash, the Ferengis never lose sight that their lives are on the line.) 48 INT. FERENGI SHIP TIGHT ON Keevan, in the pilot seat, quickly trying to ready the ship for departure. Suddenly, from behind him, comes the SOUND OF HEAVY BREATHING. Keevan turns to see -- 49 QUARK trying to catch his breath, his rifle pointed at Keevan. QUARK Going someplace? 50 ON KEEVAN as he sighs with resignation.