14:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Magnificent Ferengi" - REV. 10/24/97 - ACT TWO 23. ACT TWO FADE IN: 23 INT. CAVES (OPTICAL) Quark and Rom's mother, ISHKA, in chains, is being led through a prison cavern by THREE JEM'HADAR SOLDIERS. Suddenly -- 24 ANOTHER ANGLE as Brunt and Leck emerge from behind some rocks, armed to the teeth. 25 ANOTHER ANGLE to see Quark, Rom and Gaila, also heavily armed, pop out from behind some rocks on the other side. QUARK (to the Jem'Hadar) Don't move! You're surrounded. 26 ON THE JEM'HADAR (OPTICAL) as they react to Quark's command by raising their weapons and FIRING at the Ferengis. 27 ON ROM (OPTICAL) as he runs and FIRES with his eyes closed. He takes only a few steps before smacking into a rock wall, knocking himself to the ground.