DEEP SPACE NINE: "Statistical... " - REV. 10/23/97 - ACT FIVE 48. 38 CONTINUED: (3) BASHIR Sarina, if you don't let me stop them, they're going to be arrested and charged with treason. Do you know what that means? You'll never see any of them again. (beat) You'll never see Jack again. She looks up, stricken by this thought. Bashir holds her gaze, says nothing more. He knows he has to let her sit with this for a moment and decide what she wants to do. Off Sarina's face as we wonder what she'll do... 39 INT. SMALL STORAGE BAY where Damar and Weyoun are waiting in an aisle between the CRATES and CONTAINERS. DAMAR Where are they? WEYOUN They'll be here. Damar stews for a moment -- DAMAR This is ridiculous. Sneaking into a storage bay for a secret meeting -- I'm not some agent in the Obsidian Order, I'm the leader of the Cardassian Empire. WEYOUN Don't let it go to your head. You serve at the Dominion's pleasure. Damar bristles, but doesn't argue with this -- WEYOUN (smiles) Besides, I think it's exciting. Damar rolls his eyes behind Weyoun's back. A moment, then the SOUND of a door OPENING off-screen. WEYOUN They're here.