DEEP SPACE NINE: "Statistical... " - REV. 10/23/97 - ACT THREE 35G 27G CONTINUED: (2) Bashir knows exactly what he's getting at -- BASHIR We were celebrating. O'BRIEN (smiling) Whatever. BASHIR They're really quite brilliant. When we actually got down to working, it was incredible. We were all on the same wavelength, talking in shorthand, finishing each other's sentences -- I've never had that with anyone else. O'Brien takes this in -- O'BRIEN After being around them, I can see how the rest of us might seem kind of... uncomplicated. Though O'Brien tosses this off as a joke, Bashir can see that he means it on some level -- some part of him is wondering what these new people in Bashir's life will mean to their friendship. Bashir lets him know how he feels with the same type of humor. BASHIR I wouldn't say that, exactly. More like... slow. O'BRIEN (smiles) Must be frustrating for you. BASHIR I don't mind. It makes me feel superior. O'BRIEN Glad to be of service. BASHIR I appreciate it. (with mock gravity) But even so, it's not always easy to walk amongst the common people.