158:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Statistical... " - REV. 10/23/97 - ACT THREE 34. 27 CONTINUED: (2) BASHIR By then, internal pressures within the Cardassian-Dominion alliance will have erupted. (handing over still another PADD) Within three years, we're projecting that -- Sisko's so overwhelmed by the outpouring of information that he finally puts the PADDS down in exasperation. SISKO Hang on a minute. How did you come up with all this? Two days ago you said these people were impossible to deal with, now they're turning out projections that would take Starfleet Intelligence months to come up with. Bashir smiles, shrugs -- BASHIR We're mutants. Sisko frowns -- this isn't an answer and Bashir knows it. BASHIR I know we're not exactly qualified for this kind of work -- it might even be beyond the "limits" of what people like us should be allowed to do -- A moment as Sisko and Bashir regard each other. The Captain knows exactly what he's referring to. BASHIR (continuing) But if you let me walk you through the analyses, I think you'll be impressed. Sisko decides not to call Bashir on his comment, and it's a tacit admission that maybe he was wrong. SISKO All right, doctor. Go ahead.