DEEP SPACE NINE: "Statistical... " - REV. 10/23/97 - ACT TWO 24. 18 CONTINUED: (3) JACK No, but it's obvious who he is. The Pretender who killed the king and seized the throne. LAUREN Not the king, he's still alive. PATRICK The queen maybe? (even better) Or a princess. BASHIR Yes. Gul Dukat's daughter. Her name was Ziyal. JACK And now the Pretender finds himself in league with a... a Dark Knight he can't control. O'BRIEN (to Bashir) Weyoun? Bashir and O'Brien look at each other, wondering how the hell these three could have gleaned all this from Damar's speech. JACK Not a bad story. It's epic really. (to Bashir) What else can you tell us? Off this moment... 19 OMITTED 20 INT. OPS where an excited Bashir is telling Dax and Kira what happened. BASHIR It was amazing. They pieced together the entire story of how Damar came to power. Don't you see?