86:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Statistical... " - REV. 10/23/97 - ACT TWO 21. 17 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN I was thinking the same thing. 18 BASHIR (OPTICAL) has moved over to the WALL MONITOR to get ready to watch Damar's speech to Cardassia. He works the controls and the UFP symbol gives way to a CARDASSIAN EMBLEM. BASHIR (to O'Brien) It's about to start. O'BRIEN Almost finished. (works) There. We, of course, hear no change -- but Lauren, Patrick and Bashir visibly relax. JACK (O.S.) (from his room) Finally. BASHIR Much better. Thanks, Chief. As O'Brien gets up to join Bashir, the Cardassian Emblem gives way to a shot of DAMAR, standing at a podium in front of a Cardassian Emblem. DAMAR (on monitor) Fellow citizens, these are great days for Cardassia. Patrick immediately comes over to see what's going on -- he peers intently at Damar's image. DAMAR Together with our Dominion allies, we have given our enemies cause to fear us once more. O'BRIEN (dry) Can't argue with that. In the background, Lauren gets up and moves so she can see the screen. For some reason, she too is intrigued by Damar's speech.