44:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Statistical... " - REV. 10/23/97 - ACT ONE 17. 15 INT. CARGO BAY/TEAM DORM as Bashir ENTERS to find an agitated Jack waiting for him -- JACK Do something about that noise! Strangely, Bashir hears nothing. (NOTE: The audience will never hear this noise.) He looks over and sees Lauren lying on the couch with a pillow over her head. Patrick is covering his ears, and even Sarina is whimpering softly. Bashir cocks his head, listens. BASHIR What noise? JACK (suddenly paranoid) What kind of sick game are you people playing? BASHIR What are you talking about? JACK Can't you hear it? LAUREN We complained and two very cute Engineers came by and said there was nothing wrong. A moment, then Bashir seems to hear something. BASHIR Wait a minute. Sort of a high-pitched whine? JACK Yes. Thank god! Bashir's face tells us that once you're on to it, this is a very annoying noise indeed. JACK (to the others) I told you we weren't crazy.