DEEP SPACE NINE: "Statistical... " - REV. 10/23/97 - ACT ONE 16. 14 CONTINUED: (4) That sums up everyone's feelings -- they're willing to break the rules for him. BASHIR An exception. I suppose I should be used to that, I've been one all my life. First because of the resequencing, and now because I'm allowed to serve in Starfleet anyway. A moment, then Worf tries to apologize -- WORF Perhaps I should not have said anything. A beat, then Bashir backs off -- realizing he shouldn't have taken Worf's hypothetical so personally. BASHIR It's all right. Even so, we can see he's feeling strangely alone among his friends... it takes him back to the days when he bore his secret alone. An awkward moment as everyone tries to recover from this uncomfortable discussion. Sisko decides to take the bull by the horns. SISKO Anyone care to speculate about what Gul Damar is going to say in his speech? O'BRIEN Nothing we're going to like, I'll wager. KIRA It should be starting any minute. DAX If he announces another new battle offensive, it'll spoil dessert. Bashir's combadge suddenly SQUAWKS with STATIC. JACK'S COM VOICE -- can you hear me? Hello? Calling Doctor Bashir. Bashir reacts with surprise, double-taps his combadge to clear the signal.