DEEP SPACE NINE: "Statistical... " - REV. 10/23/97 - ACT ONE 14. 14 CONTINUED: BASHIR (Cont'd) They all suffered unintended side- effects. By the time they were five or six years old, their parents had to come forward and admit that they'd broken the law so their children could get treatment. SISKO Sounds like they waited too long. BASHIR (agreeing) There wasn't much the doctors at the Institute could do for them -- cases like theirs are so rare there's no standard treatment. KIRA I can't imagine it was a very challenging environment for them. BASHIR That's exactly what Doctor Loews felt when she first came to the Institute. She got permission to separate them from the other residents so she could work with them. ODO Why did she bring them here? BASHIR She thought they might respond to meeting someone who was like them, but was living a normal life. She's hoping that someday they'll be able to live on their own and be productive. O'Brien smiles, shakes his head --