DEEP SPACE NINE: "Statistical... " - REV. 10/23/97 - ACT ONE 11. 12 CONTINUED: (3) LAUREN Very good. You didn't even use your fingers. (to the others) He's a mutant, just like the rest of us. JACK No. He's not like us. No. He passed as normal. Patrick comes up to Bashir to ask a question. PATRICK Is it true? You passed as normal? Is it true? BASHIR (nods) My genetic status wasn't discovered until last year. LAUREN How'd you manage to hide it for so long? This is a difficult subject for Bashir... BASHIR I did my best not to... exploit my abilities. JACK So no one would suspect. Very clever. I'm impressed. (suddenly angry) That's not right. There are reasons why DNA resequencing is illegal. There are reasons why people like us are barred from serving in Starfleet. We have an advantage. Normal people can't compete. It's not fair. BASHIR Maybe you're right... maybe I should've said something sooner. JACK There are rules. Don't talk with your mouth full. Don't open an airlock when someone's inside. Don't lie about your genetic status. But you did. You lied.