DEEP SPACE NINE: "Statistical... " - REV. 10/23/97 - TEASER 2. 3 CONTINUED: Somewhere behind her we see SARINA, a ghost-like apparition in her late twenties. Pale and drawn, she never speaks. She always seems to be hovering on the edge of things -- we never see her move, she just seems to appear in places. JACK Why? Am I talking too fast? Having trouble keeping up, Doctor? LOEWS I just don't want you to get upset. PATRICK, a child-like man in his fifties, ambles up to Doctor Loews. He looks scared, lost -- PATRICK Please don't leave us here, Karen. Please. LOEWS (reassuring) It's only for a few weeks, Patrick. Jack can't resist taunting Patrick -- JACK You know what they're going to do to us, don't you? You know why they carted us halfway across the quadrant? They're going to experiment on us. LOEWS Stop it, Jack. Patrick starts to fight back tears -- JACK They want to find out what makes our "genetically engineered" brains tick. They're going to cut our heads open and see what comes out! He spins away with manic glee, delighted to have upset Patrick.