DEEP SPACE NINE: "Resurrection" - REV. 10/22/97 - ACT FOUR 48. 50 CONTINUED: (2) QUARK After he left the bar, I saw him hanging around the Bajoran shrine. He must've been there a couple of hours. KIRA He has a lot on his mind -- he probably went there to think things over. QUARK (shrugs) Either that... or he was figuring out a way to rob the place. Quark turns to see that the Ferengi waiters have finished loading the cart and are waiting for him. QUARK What is this, a union meeting? Let's get moving. (over his shoulder) Nice chatting with you, major. I hope you two are very happy together. And with that, he EXITS. We HOLD ON an uneasy Kira, clearly disturbed by Quark's observations. 51 INT. BAREIL'S QUARTERS As a grim Bareil ENTERS to find the Intendant dressed in Major Kira's uniform, waiting for him. She still has her distinctive headband on, which she takes off, completing the illusion. INTENDANT Well? What do you think? BAREIL Even I'd have trouble telling you apart. INTENDANT Wearing the major's clothes... it feels so intimate. The Intendant approaches Bareil, putting her arms around him. INTENDANT Admit it -- you've never found me more exciting. It's like having the best of both worlds.