DEEP SPACE NINE: "Resurrection" - REV. 10/22/97 - ACT FOUR 47. 50 ANGLE ON THE DOOR as Quark arrives with TWO FERENGI WAITERS and a cargo cart. We see a Starfleet SECURITY GUARD stationed outside. QUARK Major, any idea where they put my shipment of Saurian brandy? KIRA (indicating) Over there. QUARK (to the waiters) You heard her. The Ferengi waiters begin to load the crates onto the cart. Kira holds out her manifest PADD for Quark to sign with his thumbprint. QUARK Your new boyfriend came into my bar today. Kira's in a good mood and she refuses to allow Quark to change it. KIRA Did he. QUARK He's a little different, isn't he? KIRA From what? QUARK From some of your previous choices. Don't get me wrong, I had nothing against Vedek Bareil or Shakaar... but let's face it, they were a little too controlled... a little too controlling. They lacked fire... excitement. But this Bareil -- he's a different story. He's full of surprises. KIRA I take it you like him.