DEEP SPACE NINE: "Resurrection" - REV. 10/22/97 - ACT FOUR 44. 45 CONTINUED: BAREIL One more. QUARK Coming right up. Quark reaches for a bottle and pours Bareil another drink. As he does, Bareil catches TWO BAJORANS down the bar staring at him. BAREIL (temper rising) What are you two staring at? The two Bajorans quickly look away. Bareil looks around the room. BAREIL The same goes for the rest of you. I'm not Vedek Bareil. I just want to be left alone. The other Bajoran customers go back about their business. QUARK You heard the man. Now leave him be. (to Bareil) I'm sorry about that. People can be so rude. You know I used to see the Vedek all the time, walking down the Promenade with Major Kira. Never came in here, though. I guess dabo wasn't his game. Quark studies Bareil for a beat. QUARK It is an amazing resemblance. Put you in a Vedek's robe and no one would know the difference. BAREIL Believe me, there's a difference. QUARK Not to the paying public.