129:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Resurrection" - REV. 10/22/97 - ACT THREE 36. 41 CONTINUED: BAREIL Thank you, but I'm not hungry. KIRA That's a change. BAREIL When you had your first Orb experience... did you understand it? KIRA I don't know if anyone can fully understand an Orb experience -- not at first anyway. You have to live with it for a while... absorb it. BAREIL And then? KIRA And then one day it becomes a part of you... a part of who you are. BAREIL I thought I was going to get a glimpse into the future... but it was more than that. (half to himself) It changes you. (rubbing his head) There were so many images... I could hardly keep track of them all. (looking at Kira) He was there... Kira says nothing, but she suspects she knows who he's talking about. BAREIL (continuing) Vedek Bareil. We were together -- talking -- but it was all mixed up. I was him, he was me... it was very confusing.